Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Save the Dates: Lucy Lippard and Charles Jordan

I found two upcoming dates on my calendar that I wanted to share just in case anybody else hadn’t heard but might be interested.

First, Lucy Lippard will be speaking at MCA on January 30 at 7pm. For those who don’t know her work, Wikipedia has a pretty good biography of her. The short version is that she’s been an fairly important voice in Post-Modern Feminism and art criticism for going on thirty years now. Definitely worth your time to go have a listen.

Second, Friends for Our Riverfront announced this morning that Charles Jordan, Directory of Parks in Portland, is coming to MCA to speak on improving the quality of life in our cities through the better use of our public spaces. The lecture is at 10am on Saturday, February 10. With all of the renewed interest in Memphis’ urban design here recently, this should prove to be a good opportunity to get perspective from someone who’s helped a city get it right.


gatesofmemphis said...

That's the kind of geek posting (or is it geek linking?) I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming.

I still think a "killer" app using RSS would be to use enclosures for holding event information, for instance in a vcard format. Then event aggregators could pull the event info from multiple sources and automagically create a city calendar. It would be as good as your choice of sources. Now we have to do it manually, and/or accept a source such as Memphis Flyer as authoritative. A lot of good events fall through the cracks. Memphis would be a good pilot for this since we probably have a manageable list of events.

Justin W. McGregor said...

I hope that events via RSS isn't all that far off. I'm almost positive that one of the RC's for Outlook 2007 had calendar sync using RSS and the iCal format... I don't know, but I imagine that it's available in iCal itself and in any number of FOSS packages if we knew what they were calling the feature. I'll do a little more digging and see what I come up with.

On a side note (because I think you'd be interested), I had a meet-up with the guy that's driving a lot of the innovation over at the Commercial Appeal's web site. He has some really good ideas about where their web-presence is heading. Heck of a nice guy and really on top of all things RSS.

Dwayne Butcher said...

i am not smart enought to understand these comments. but i do look forward to both events