Monday, December 11, 2006

"Notes from the weekend" or “We are Artist of Borg”

Few notes because I don’t have time to write a real entry right now:

1. The worst service on planet earth can be found at the Starbucks on Poplar near Highland. It’ll be delivered to you by the dark haired girl at the drive-thru. Also, be warned that they apparently haven’t calibrated their espresso maker since 1997.

2. The nice people in North Mississippi (where I spent my weekend) are incapable of delivering me a Diet Coke. Upon ordering one I received: a small Coke, a large Dr. Pepper, a medium watered down orangy thing, and a Pepsi in a bottle.

3. Pepsi tastes like Christmas. (I’ll explain later)

4. We need a new word for installation art because it’s a bifurcated tradition. There is the responsive sort (“I’m going to go into the space and make art that uses what’s there”) and there is the other sort (“I’m going to go into this space and make it something else entirely”).

5. I was tempted to work in the word “assimilate” in the description for the last one, but I’d just end up quoting Star Trek and we can’t have that.


Dwayne Butcher said...

we must have star trek quotes, i am getting killed doing it alone.

Dwayne Butcher said...

we must have star trek quotes, i am getting killed doing it alone.